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Confidentiality & Ethics


All sessions are conducted in confidence; this confidence is applied to any records kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act. The contents of our discussion will only be divulged:

  • where you give consent for the confidence to be broken;

  • where I am compelled by a court of law;

  • where the information you give me is of such gravity that confidentiality cannot be maintained, for example in the case of a serious crime or if you are planning to endanger yourself or someone else.

It is a professional requirement for all counsellors and psychotherapists to undergo supervision in order to protect the client’s interest and to assist the therapist in her professional development.  I may sometimes share the content of sessions with a supervisor but will not share personal details such as your full name. I am required to abide by the ethical guidelines laid down by the BACP and UKCP (the governing bodies regulating counsellors and therapists).

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